Terms and Conditions for use of biometric authentication for CTM Buddy
These Terms and Conditions for use of biometric authentication for CTM Buddy ("Terms") apply to and regulate your use of biometric authentication for CTM Buddy. By registering or using biometric authentication for CTM Buddy, you are deemed to accept and agree to these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, please stop registering or using biometric authentication for CTM Buddy.
1. You may use your biometric credential(s), including without limitation fingerprint(s), facial map(s) or any other biometric data stored on your mobile device to login CTM Buddy.
If you are using Apple’s mobile device, you also agree that we may use TrueDepth API technology provided by Apple to track your head and face movement for the use of CTM Buddy.
The information collected by use of biometric authentication or TrueDepth API technology will not leave your mobile device and will be persistently stored on your mobile device.
2. These Terms are in addition to and shall be read in conjunction with CTM Buddy Terms and Conditions, CTM Privacy Policy, CTM Cookies Policy and any other documents forming part of the use for CTM Buddy.
3. You acknowledge and agree that in order to use biometric authentication for CTM Buddy:
i) You shall be a valid customer of CTM and hold an individual account;
ii) You shall install CTM Buddy mobile application through an official channel;
iii) You shall activate the relevant biometric authentication function on your mobile device and register at least one of your biometric credentials to control access to the mobile device;
iv) You understand that upon the successful registration of the biometric authentication on your mobile device, any biometric credential(s) that is/are stored on your designated mobile device can be used for the purpose of the biometric authentication. You must ensure that only your biometric credential(s) is/are stored on your mobile device to access the device;
v) You shall not use the biometric authentication if you reasonably believe that third party may share identical or very similar biometric credential(s) of you or your biometric credential(s) can be easily compromised. For instance, you shall not use facial recognition for authentication purpose if you have identical twin or triplet sibling(s);
vi) You shall not use the biometric authentication if the relevant biometric credential(s) of you are or will be undergoing rapid development or change. For instance, you must not use facial recognition for authentication purpose if you are adolescence with facial features undergoing rapid development; and
vii) You should ensure the security of the security codes as well as the password or code that you can use to store your biometric credential(s) and register the biometric authentication on your mobile device.
4. You acknowledge that the authentication is performed by the CTM’s mobile application by interfacing with the biometric authentication module on the mobile device and you agree to the authentication process.
5. You can cancel the biometric authentication by yourself at any time on CTM Buddy. The cancellation of the biometric authentication for CTM Buddy will not automatically delete your biometric credential(s) on your mobile device. Your
biometric credential(s) will be continuously stored on your mobile device unless they are deleted by you through the relevant biometric authentication function on your mobile device. Biometric credential(s) stored on your mobile device may be used by other applications on your mobile device.
6. If your biometric credential record of the mobile device has been changed or you have not used the biometric authentication for CTM Buddy for a certain period of time, your biometric authentication for CTM Buddy will be suspended. You are required to re-register or re-activate the biometric authentication for CTM Buddy.
7. You understand that the biometric authentication module of the mobile device is not provided by CTM, and we make no representation or warranty as to the security of the biometric authentication function of any mobile device and whether it works in the way that the manufacturer of the device represents.
8. You shall indemnify us and keep us indemnified against any consequences, claims, proceedings, losses or damages that may arise to us and against any costs and expenses (including all legal costs on an indemnity basis) of reasonable amount reasonably incurred by us in making biometric authentication available to you arising in connection with any improper use of the biometric authentication.
9. The laws of Macau Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China shall govern these Terms. You hereby irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Macau courts.