The following terms and conditions together with the General Terms and Conditions shall, upon the acceptance by Companhia de Telecomunicacoes de Macau, S.A. (CTM) of the subscriber's application, constitute the agreement (the "Agreement") for the provision of the Residential Broadband service by CTM to the subscriber:
Residential Broadband Service
1.1 The service herein provided refers to the Residential Broadband services provided under the Internet network supplied by CTM.
1.2 Subject to this Agreement, Customer means every individual who has been grouped as Class A Residential Line according to the Government approved Tariff Plan of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Service. Fiber service is only applicable to the residential buildings equipped with Fiber optic wiring. The Customer shall be granted a User ID and an initial password. This password shall be changed by the Customer, being known by him/her alone. Any Customers who operate Internet related business are not entitled to this tariff plan.
1.3 The service is not allowed to be shared directly or indirectly beyond the installation address for pecuniary, beneficial gains or any other purposes. The bandwidth (download/upload) speed will be influenced by the quantity of shared PC. CTM shall only perform on-site support to the software and hardware provided by it.
1.4 The service is not applicable to ISP(s) except for internal use.
1.5 Unlimited Broadband Plan is only available on the dedicated broadband circuit.
Installation Fee
2.1 Customer who simultaneously applies for a new telephone line at the same address can be waived the installation charge of Residential Broadband Service. Customer is thus liable to pay only the installation fee of the new telephone line. This condition cannot apply concurrently with any promotional program of CTM Fixed Line Telephone Service and Internet Service.