Terms & Conditions of “i.Campus” Plan Service


The following terms and conditions together with the General Terms and Conditions shall, upon the acceptance by Companhia de Telecomunicacoes de Macau, S.A. (CTM) of the subscriber’s application, constitute the agreement (the “Agreement”) for the provision of the i.Campus Broadband Plan by CTM to the subscriber:



  1. “i.Campus Broadband” Plan

1.1 The Service is not allowed to be shared directly or indirectly beyond the installation address for pecuniary, beneficial gains or any other purposes. The bandwidth (download/upload) speed will be influenced by the quantity of shared PC. CTM shall only perform on-site support to the software and hardware provided by it.

1.2 Service application is only available at CTM shops as evidence of student card (as applicable) is a pre-requisite of Service eligibility.

1.3 Each applicant is limited to apply for one “i.Campus Broadband” Plan.

1.4 Subscriber is responsible for all the charges incurred by the “i.Campus Broadband” Plan.

  1. 1.5 The service herein provided refers to the “i.Campus Broadband 3.0” services provided under the Internet network supplied by CTM.

1.6 “i.Campus Broadband 3.0” the service plan is only applicable to all secondary, primary and kindergarten students, full-time under-graduate and post-graduate students currently studying in the University(s)/Institutes(s) who have signed a Memorandum of understanding with CTM in Macau. Applicant must present the valid Student card issued by respective University or Institute or DSEJ.

1.7 New registration of “i.Campus Broadband 3.0” must associate with an application of Broadband Filtering Service or CTM must obtain the signature from student's parents or legal guardian for exemption.

1.8 CTM will verify the subscriber's information through the respective University / Institute and DSEJ each year. If subscriber is found not to be eligible, subscriber must apply for a service plan change to other Internet Service plan via CTM shops. If CTM does not receive any application for changing plan within 30 days from the last  graduation date, CTM will automatically change the “i.Campus Broadband 3.0” to “Home Broadband 3.0” without any prior notice.

1.9 The provisions governing the “i.Campus Broadband” Plan apply.